I always learn so much when I talk to Melvin Bray, he’s brilliant and kind and resourceful. I ask him to tell us about the COMPOST acronym which helps us determine whether a story is worth telling:

Confess more than prescribe

Opposing forces in dynamic with each other

Meekness to admit other interpretations

Pose more questions than answers


Susceptibility to harm

Tradition as a living word - God is still speaking


He also shares why him and his wife don’t raise their children in religion, and answer a host of other questions. Hope you enjoy this one!


Links (affiliate links included):


Melvin’s website

Better: Waking up to who we could be

Faith Forward


Like my podcast and think you might want to create your own? Then you need to talk to my producer Danny Ozment. Here's an article he wrote about the benefits of podcasting.

  https://dannyozment.com/a-few-more-podcasting-benefits/ Check it out and then schedule a FREE strategy call with him at the bottom.