Linda Kay Klein, author of PURE, and I talk all things purity culture in evangelicalism. We define what purity culture is, how deeply it is embedded in both the culture and our psyche as young women growing up in it. Linda shares the science behind why it takes a long time for many of us to break free. Of course, we also cover parenting and how we can raise our girls, and boys, to dismantle Patriarchy, and introduce better sex education. And we dove into the dark subject of sexual assault and how frequently cover ups occur in evangelical churches.

This is a deep dive into purity culture, full of Linda’s rich insights. I’m sure you will find the conversation illuminating and help light a better path forward.


Links (affiliates included):

Linda’s website -

Break Free Together Instagram -

Linda’s book, PURE -

Our Whole Lives, values based sex education -

David Wagoner’s Poem Lost -


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