My conversation partner today is Corey Pigg, the creator of the podcast, Failed Missionary, and I invited him to join me in tackling the subject of Short Term Missions, as we are coming up on STM season. In full disclosure, Corey and I are actual friends, so our conversation flowed easily into some deeper thoughts re: parenting, therapy, but I decided to keep all of those segments in the show and invite you into our conversation in hopes that they’ll be helpful to you.

In this show, we tell our personal stories of STMs, and both of us have extensive experiences with both short term and long term missions. We lay down some of the reasons why we’ve left that world behind, explaining some of the harm. And as well, talked about some of the alternatives to STMs that may be helpful to parents and their teens.

Please check out the links below for a much deeper dive into the harm of STMs if you’re interested in learning more.

Links (affiliates included):

Failed Missionary -

Lumos -

Poverty, INC -

Story of John Allen Chau -

How Going on Vacation might be better than Going on Mission -


Corey gave me a list of resources on this topic, although we did not reference them specifically on the show, we hope they will be helpful to you for further exploration:

Short Term Mission -

When Helping Hurts -

Homeland Insecurity -

Overturning Tables -

More resources are available in the Resources tab on the Failed Missionary Website under White Savior Series -

One Day’s Wages -


Join us at the Parenting Forward Patreon Team -

Parenting Forward -