Grumpy kids can really put your home into a foul mood.  What can we do to help tame these dark clouds and bring some sunshine back into our lives?

In this episode we'll cover these four steps:

Step 1 – Keep Your Cool 

Step 2 – Offer Empathy and Hugs 

Step 3 - Fix the Broken Connection 

Step 4 – Go on a Trigger Quest and Brainstorm

The transcript for this episode is HERE

Here are the resources mentioned in the podcast:

Kings Corner Card Game YouTube Instruction Video Mood Meter Graphic 

Parenting Decoded YouTube Videos 

Communicating with Teens and Tweens Parenting Decoded YouTube Video Getting Kids to Listen Being a Calm Parent 

Parenting Decoded Podcast Link 

Anger Management for Parents 


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Have a blessed rest of your day!