All women make less than white men and for Latina women, it's only 54 cents to a man's dollar. November 20th marks Latina Equal Pay Day, marking the almost entire YEAR it takes for a Latina to make what a white man makes in 12 months.

In this episode Diana and her guest Jackie Lynn Garcia talk about the gender pay gap. What is it? Why does it exist? And how can women be better advocates for themselves?

Jackie provides insights on the gender pay gap, tips on salary negotiation, how to ask for workplace flexibility and how the pay gap affects our ability to generate wealth for our families and communities. 


Jackie Lynn Garcia is the founder of a social media platform called “Elevate Your Pay” - dedicated to helping women of color get the pay they deserve. 

Don't forget to review the podcast, share it with your friends (they all need to know these great tips!) and follow us on Instagram!