Are you living the if?

Wendy Fitzgerald is the founder of If Then Move and author of the Cause and Effect column at Choose NOW Ministries. Today on Parent Talk, we're talking about scripture memorization! Is it a lost art? 

Even Jesus, when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, used Scripture to fight the temptations. (See Matthew 4:1-11) How about you? Are you actively memorizing God’s Word? Do you know how to use God’s Word when the temptations come or when questions arise? Do you excuse yourself from knowing God’s Word because it is hard to memorize? Are you encouraging your children to memorize God’s Word?

God’s Word is the best weapon you have. Don’t settle for a dull knife – strive for a sharp sword! Memorize:  “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11


Or tune in to Parent Talk to hear Wendy Fitzgerald, herself. And, we'd love it if you'd visit If Then Movement's crowdfunding campaign .

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