Why is making money your partner so important?
How does belief about money affect your potential of attracting wealth?
What is a Financial Independence Number? 

Our expert guest, Beth Dana, is a financial planner, educator, and coach. She brings a feminine, holistic approach to the, sometimes, masculine financial environment.----more----

By creating a space of financial wellness and wholeness, she supports people in creating breakthroughs in their relationship with Self & money by releasing limiting beliefs that are in the way from creating abundance and prosperity so they can begin creating a healthy relationship with money, making financial education and planning for the future empowering and exciting, creating positive, tangible results through wealthy and healthy money habits to begin living a financially conscious life.

Contact Info:


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Jacqueline’s Info:

Email: [email protected]
Website: IntegrativeMinds.com
Cash flow with our Turnkey Real Estate Investment Program. Info & sign up to get property listings at TrueLegacyWealth.com. All properties $50K - $150K.
Jacqueline’s books: https://amzn.to/2HYXs3u
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