In order to save her life we had to make a decision. Madeline
We had no choice. Brian
We don’t have a choice. Madeline
Getting into not so great things. Blake
Downward spiral. Brent
Getting into bad things. Ana
Bad choice after bad choice. Brian
I was mad at them. I did not want to talk to them. Ana
To know Jesus as your Savior, but also as your friend. Madeline
This family story is really God’s hand through the tough times. Brian
I [Jesus] tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Luke 15:10
Trusting God through the trials of life has taken Madeline and Brian through the loss of their first born, a prodigal's return, and a near death experience with Covid. With two biological and two adopted children, their faith has grown through the challenges and joys!
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