Fleeing the deadly racial war in Rhodesia Africa, Robert felt the strong call of God on his life. That call would take him to Australia, a marriage of racial reconciliation (Janet), and then to the U.S., leading a global radio ministry. Now, they watch son, Stephen, and daughter-in-law, Annaly, honor God with their gifts and raising the next generation of believers, Harmony and Elijah.
We go to the hospital. Dad, what am I going to do? Stephen
They had a war between the blacks and the whites. Janet
There is going to be a riot here and someone is going to be beat up. Robert
God doesn’t want black people to marry white people. Robert
I lived in fear. I did not want to leave the house. Annaly
I let my kids down. Stephen
What about us? Annaly
As busy as my dad was, he did such a good job at making sure he was visible, he was there. Stephen
He was just my dad. He does go in his closet and prays a lot, but other than that he was just my dad. Stephen
I was born in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). I come from the royal family that the British took the kingdom from. I was prophesied over in my mother’s womb. These 10 American missionaries from Azusa street laid hands on her and said you are going to have a boy, name him Robert, because he is going to take the message of the Jesus Christ to the nations. Robert
I am from Australia. When I was 23, I felt like God was leading me to go to Bible school to be an instrument that God could use on the mission field. Janet
I wrote a letter to God, if these missionaries were sent by you, send me another person, not from this country, to confirm what the missionaries said was from you. Robert
God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, if they just take God at his word. Robert
Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; John 14:12a
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