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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio: In The Dark, we talk with Kristen Gray, director of investigations and case manager for WhiteLight Paranormal Insights.

Her first experience with the paranormal was as a very youngchild. A family member of hers lived in a “haunted house”; they had a fewdifferent experiences there that rattled her enough that they stuck with herinto adulthood. As an adult she moved into a house where a couple of paranormalexperiences occurred, one of which included her being pinned down on her bed.She had no one to turn to for advice with what she was experiencing and didn'tfeel she could talk about it either. She felt alone.

Flash forward 12 years and through a better understanding inthe world of the paranormal, with the many paranormal shows and books,discussing the paranormal became more accepted and not looked down upon. Whenshe had the opportunity to join a paranormal investigative team, she felt  she had a mission to help others understandwhat they are living with, to listen with an open mind, not to be judgmentalbut compassionate with what they are going through, and to help the spiritswith whatever they may need, if anything. She now has a better understanding ofthe spirit world, has no fear of it, and she hopes to help empower others withthat as well.

Kristen is in her fourth yearof volunteering with the Oregon Ghost Conference, which will be in Seaside onMarch 31-April 2, 2017.

Air Date: May 26, 2016

Topic: Paranormal Investigation, Paranormal Theory

Guest: Kristen Gray

Hosts: Chuck Gotski and Karen Frazier

Producer: Cheryl Knight