Join Paranormal Now's host Alan B. Smith and Josie Varga, author of A Call From Heaven, and a former magazine editor and communications consultant who has applied her skills to become one of the leading authors in the field of after-life, near-death and out-of-body experiences. Josie shares with us the hard science to back up her research for near death visitations by spirits and loved one’s from the beyond. Many examples of which, besides being useful data, are also very moving and emotional. After years of research, despite the conclusions that Josie comes to, she does not press that she has all the answers to our existence after we die. She continues to keep an open mind as the evidence builds and informs – while maintaining her own personal and spiritual beliefs. There is no doubt that the evidence presented in her book speaks for itself. Join Josie and Alan for an open and forthright conversation.

“As the dying prepare to leave this world, they often begin to get a glimpse of what lies beyond through deathbed visits from deceased loved ones, strangers, and angelic or divine figures. Religious beliefs appear to have no bearing on these experiences – even atheists and nonbelievers have reported such phenomena. At times these visits are experienced by others in the room, offering incredible validity to the idea that life truly does continue”.