Guests: Kathleen Marden, Peter Robbins, Mike Rogers and Jennifer Stein

Originally this episode was to included Stanton T. Friedman for a round table discussion on the debunkers of ufology. Instead we begin by remembering and honoring the late Stanton Friedman for his unparalleled work in ufology; who he was as a person and a family man; as well as his impact on history and his influence on researchers of the UFO enigma. Kathleen who worked on three books with Stanton and became very close to him shares heart warming personal memories, as does author Peter Robbins. Later in the show we discuss each guest's personal experience with debunkers like Philip Klass, how Stanton Friedman handled debunking, and how they all managed to navigate the personal attacks by supposed skeptics. Mike Rogers of the Travis Walton case had quite the entertaining way of dealing with the antics of Philip Klass. Mike Rogers explains his theory on what actually may have been an important causal factor in the 1997 Phoenix Lights incident, undermining previous theories as to what the UFO was. His evidence driven explanation of an environmental wind current factor published by MUFON has already ruffled feathers. Mike, however still leaves the door open that the object seen in the sky could still have been an E.T. craft. Jennifer Stein, director of the documentary "Travis" was unable to join live, but was included via a prerecorded conversation.

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