Episode 41

On Today's Show

"We share several listener stories regarding Death Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Haunted Dolls, UFOs and Nightcrawlers."

These are the different names of the creature that Chris provided to us regarding his encounter: Sisiutl, sʔi:ɬqəý̓, siilquey, si:lhqey, Seelkee, Sflhqey, Si'xqe, Shla- lah-kum, Su'ike, Ts'ewalf , Sunulqaz, énétlékē, wasgo, haietlik, Haayiitlik, Say Nuth Kway , Sinulhka, Grubworm, Sisiuth, Se-sook, Larahwæse, sulwa’us and Klu'bist

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