Smallville was a smart combination of teen drama, coming of age, and action. It was regularly enjoyed by many during its 11 year run.


Cody and Zach start off the show by going through their different approaches to creating their projects. 

-Zach discusses how he goes about planning and making a schedule for writing

-Cody shares how he plans for public speaking and podcasting, and how he comfortably does it without notes. 

-The guys discuss why people may struggle with coming up with a meaningful conclusion for their stories.


-"Somebody save me!"

-The shows basic philosophy: "No tights and no flights." Meant to be an exploration into the life of Clark Kent before becoming Superman. The shows original plan was to not even use the name Superman at all in the series.


-The guys had differing experiences with the show: Zach grew up alongside it, while Cody binged it about 7 years after its was finished. 

-For those who watched Smallville during its initial run, especially those younger, there was a sense that you grew up with Clark Kent. It was fun to watch him struggle with the same things that your average teen battles, while typically making the best choices for his loved ones.

-The guys both believe that this is the best portrayal of Lex Luthor that has ever been done on screen.


-Even though he grew up loving it, Zach never finished the series. It served as a connecting point for he and his dad though, since his father continued to watch the show and fill him in on what happened. 

-Cody, having watched the show far later after its run will always cherish it. It was a big connecting point for he and his wife after an important event in both of their lives.