In this first part of the episode, the guys catch up with what's going on in life before getting into the main topic discussions.  Zach begins by sharing his recent adventure back into the world of Terraria. 

The video rental store is something that was so important in our lives as kids, and the guys discuss their thoughts on the all-but-dead industry. 

We introduce a new segment called "Retry" where we talk about a story that we did not like at first, but after another chance ended up changing our minds. Zach discusses his difficulty in picking up the Lord of the Rings books, and Cody shares how he was not a fan of the Incredibles initially.

PART 2 MAIN TOPIC: (00:44:00) HALO

In our discussion of HALO, we span our experiences with the series as a whole. From first exposure, Zach was a huge fan while Cody did not share the same feelings toward the series. Zach shares an epic tale of conning a friend to purchase a game and how the HALO games spawned a love of a video game franchise. We discuss the story of the universe as well as how HALO captivated the competitive spirit of teenage and pre-ten boys around the country. Cody concludes by sharing that he did not like HALO at first for a very illogical reason.

We follow up by discussing the legacy that HALO has had on the gaming industry and some of the games we enjoy that it has inspired. Eventually, like all things, the game did not have nearly as much of an impact on Zach's life as he got older, but he will always cherish the memory of trying so hard to convince his parents to get him the game, put internet in his room, and supply him with an xbox live account. 

We hope you enjoy the episode!



MUSIC AND BEATS  provided by JAKE BUTLER, check him out on Instagram @j_the_butler33