Star Wars is one of the most iconic intellectual properties of all time, but since the debut of the original trilogy in 1976 the films have not always delivered to the high hopes and expectations that fans have set. This is a trend that began with Episode 1: The Phantom Menace with its release in 1999. Even though this movie does not have the same greatness as its predecessors (which are also, oddly, sequels), the summer of 1999 brought back Star Wars hype for a new generation.

The main topic discussion begins @18:29


-Zach's road trip

-Wrapping up the holiday's

-A brief discussion on the first impressions of Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker

-Main Topic; Star Wars Episode 1:  The Phantom Menace. Even though this film has been panned from many fans and critics, the kickoff to the prequel trilogy was still able to reel-in a younger generation to new Star Wars hype. Even though the original trilogy has phenomenal longevity, Episode 1 brought with it the excitement of seeing that galaxy far, far away brought back to the big screen.

-Zach's impressions on Dune by Frank Herbert

-The flaws in long running television series and why Cody has a hard time getting into many television dramas