On this edition of Parallax Views, should the U.S. consider taking a different approach to the Israel/Palestine conflict? A new paper from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace argues it should and says that a more human rights-centric approach is necessary not only on moral grounds but also for national security reasons, civil liberties in the U.S., and the sake of U.S. foreign policy objectives trumpeted by the Biden administration concerning the re-establishment of America's leadership in a rules-based international order. Joining us to discuss the paper is one of its co-authors, Palestinian human rights lawyer Zaha Hassan. Please be sure to read the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace paper "Breaking the Israel-Palestine Status Quo" if you are interested in this conversation. We discussed a number of issues including the Occupied Territories, Gaza, the West Bank, changing attitudes about Israel/Palestine, settlements, and much, much more.