Since the inception of the War On Terror there has been a parallel war waged by the National Security State to silence whistleblowers. Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and John Kiriakou are just some of the victims in the War on Whistleblowers. In 2017 27 year old air force veteran and former NSA contractor Reality Leigh Winner became the first target of the Trump administration's continuation of this ongoing War on Whistleblower after leaking classified information concerning the possibility of Russian hacking in the 2016 Presidential election. Reality's mother, Billie Winner-Davis, joins us for an emotional conversation about her daughter's case and the ordeal Reality has been put through for being a conscientious citizen.

Billie Winner-Davis

Reality Leigh Winner

We begin the conversation with Billie giving us a brief outline of who Reality is as a person and her many passions. From there we delve right into how reality became a whistleblower after leaking classified information concerning claims of Russian hacking in the 2016 Presidential election to the online news outlet The Intercept. She describes how Reality was treated during her interrogation, how she was not read her Miranda rights, and the smears that were made against her during the trial. We also delve into the challenges Reality faces in prison and the ways in which she was not provided with proper care and services. In addition we discuss, in a very emotional moment of the conversation, how the now convicted Paul Manafort's treatment during the Mueller Probe stands in harsh contrast to what has been done to Reality. Moreover, we delve into the real, vibrant human being that most media coverage of the case has missed by speaking to Reality's artwork, activism, and love for figures like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. We also discuss Donald Trump's tweet seemingly in support of Reality Winner and how he has failed to follow through with that support. Billie Winner-Davis gives her take on the media's handling of the case before we begin to wrap up the conversation by telling listeners how they can Stand With Reality. On a final note Billie describes how, despite the nightmarish nature of Reality's ordeal, both Reality and her family have not had their spirits broken and how they are hopeful for the future.