On this edition of Parallax Views we have a previously unpublished conversation with Brian Quinby of Street Fight Radio, the World's #1 Anarcho-Comedy Podcast.

The "working class Republican" and "blue-collar conservative" have become a trope, especially in light of the Trump Presidency. Right-wing personalities like Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson claim to speak for the forgotten workers while railing against coastal elites. Meanwhile, Dirty Job's Mike Rowe injects libertarian talking points into his valorization of the Protestant work ethic. But do these figures have the final say on the ethos of the working class? Brian Quinby, along with his Street Fight Radio co-host Brett Payne, argues that shouldn't be the case. And he would know give that Street Fight Radio is a left-oriented podcast based around its hosts personal experiences of being part of the working class.

Bryan and I chat about a number of topics related to the public discussion around the working class as well as talking a bit about comedy, culture, and, yes, pro wrestling!


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