Hello from my home office. How is everybody doing? My name is Eline. I am the creator and founder of The Unicorn Mothership. This is kind of like my little mascot DJ pantry. I think is her name. I get to help people who love nightlife find our directions so that they can build a life around their passion without wrecking their health and wellbeing.

Now, these are challenging times for everybody. I know I’m right there with you and I wanted to give you a couple of tips that could help you. So literally a couple like two tips. I’m pretty sure you are getting overwhelmed with tips right now. However, I did want to contribute and hopefully, this can be inspiring and helpful to you.

Okay, so my first tip is to meditate, like meditate every single day. I’ve been doing that for two years, and the benefits are amazeballs. Really, now what I mean with meditation right now is like, I don’t want you to use that as a kind of go-to tool for whenever you feel anxiety. I want you to start thinking about meditation as a sustainable practice that you can do every day, no matter what the circumstances are. Okay. So this can really help you to prime yourself for whenever another challenge like this comes up and we will have other challenges in our lifetimes for sure. So that you can just really remain calm and build resilience for whenever something like this happens again so that we can really.

Really face this head-on rather than, going into a panic or something. Also, I know that there’s a lot of kind of. You know, contradictory messages out there, especially the one about go outside, don’t go outside. I really think that one is funny. Reminds me of my cats. You know, like they’re sitting at the door, they want to go outside, and when you open the door and they just decide, man, I’ll just stay in.

You know, like that kind of frustration. So meditation can really be a nice way to do in your living room or in your office or wherever you want to do it. Just open up the window and get some fresh air and just really focus on your breathing. And all you have to do is just sit for 10 minutes and just do that.

Come home to yourself and in the meantime, get some fresh air. You know, if you don’t feel like going outside or if it’s just confusing you. My second tip is to focus on what you can control. Okay? So clearly this outbreak is something that we cannot control. Clearly it’s a pandemic, it’s just, it’s happening, right?

But what you can control are your thoughts. You can control your mind, right? So focus on the thoughts you are having. If that is something that’s difficult for you, you may want to consider tracking your thoughts, like writing them in a journal and just really looking at what you’re thinking on a daily basis, how those thoughts are making you feel and the actions you take as a result of those, those thoughts.

And then really look at, okay, is this the actual result that I was aiming for or did I want something else entirely? This can really help you to. Kind of separate fact from feeling and try to not let your feelings run the show. All the while you are acknowledging your feelings. This is not about pushing your feelings away.

This is not about denial. It’s just kind of a part of your self-development journey. To really learn how to stay focused on what you can control and you can control your thoughts. So I highly recommend that you focus on the positive ones. And if there are negative ones popping up, it’s okay. Just observe them say hi and then just kind of, you know, kick them back out and choose again and choose new and better thoughts. 

Okay. I hope this helps and greetings from me and DJ pantry and I wish you all a lovely quarantine. Bye.

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