Paradelphia Radio: Grey Area, Ep. 194 By now everyone with an interest in the UFO topic has probably heard of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. But did you know there was a similar incident that happened at Fort Dix AFB just south of Trenton, NJ in 1978? Only this was no crashed UFO. Nope. In New Jersey we go big or go home so this time we flat out MURDERED A SPACE ALIEN! Don't believe us? Thats fine. This week we dig into the research by MUFON investigator Leonard Stringfield and his correspondence over 4 years with an MP who witnessed the whole thing. Give a listen....then decide. Paranews includes a creepy series of letters, Bigfoot in court and more!! Related Links: Paradelphia  Wildfire Radio  Toxic Radio  Cryptid Crate Paranews: Woman Sues State Over Bigfoot Sighting  Time Traveler Passes Polygraph Test 6 Coincidences You Won't Believe Happened Sinister Mystery of the Circleville Letter Writer

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Paradelphia Radio: Grey Area, Ep. 194 By now everyone with an interest in the UFO topic has probably heard of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. But did you know there was a similar incident that happened at Fort Dix AFB just south of Trenton, NJ in 1978? Only this was no crashed UFO. Nope. In New Jersey we go big or go home so this time we flat out MURDERED A SPACE ALIEN! Don't believe us? Thats fine. This week we dig into the research by MUFON investigator Leonard Stringfield and his correspondence over 4 years with an MP who witnessed the whole thing. Give a listen....then decide. Paranews includes a creepy series of letters, Bigfoot in court and more!! Related Links: Paradelphia  Wildfire Radio  Toxic Radio  Cryptid Crate Paranews: Woman Sues State Over Bigfoot Sighting  Time Traveler Passes Polygraph Test 6 Coincidences You Won't Believe Happened Sinister Mystery of the Circleville Letter Writer

The post Paradelphia Radio: Grey Area, Ep. 194 appeared first on Wildfire Radio.