A common interest in connecting folklore and beliefs has brought our guest Cheto to the podcast.  We talk about his research and the similarities that might connect our folklore with those from other parts of the world.

Thank you Cheto for reaching out and sharing your research with us, I'm sure you have a lot more information since the time we recorded this. 

Cheto writes stories and does D&D Character art you can catch him on

or follow him on instagram: @chetosee

Thank you also to our past guests who dropped by JP and Sam.  If you want to listen to their personal experiences with the paranormal, check out their episodes here:


Southeast Asian Folklore Part 1 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7KN0ggvrUNoexn4fOSPUuR?si=fe7a626bcf16486e

Southeast Asian Folklore Part 2 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3SKkOXirHJe7GMOoEPG6O6?si=32da607da9964966

Southeast Asian Folklore Part 3 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/49mnoTPgEIvSQ2ccTyjbGO?si=3f2666c7fc824e6e

Spirit Walk - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2rzFkpun8V6dXVVFZX4KxM?si=ffe2f7c2f892462f

Love, Loss, and Ghost Riders - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1kbxJYou1gd7EPjVp0IawL?si=450cd75625184e56



My Sleeping Third Eye Part 1 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3MxOXGoevOqt8Br4OoJh1z?si=87cd53b3b26240af

My Sleeping Third Eye Part 2 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ijdMVVGwrDDC6n7VxTV7N?si=8f99928bc5434b91

Charmed Ones Part 1 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6S3QKfJ0PGsUX52NmRbMGv?si=e1999c7bc6b54ace

Charmed Ones Part 2 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Al8dAXpTQlsQe7doPi1Eq?si=cca806a4285f43b3


If any of the stories or research reminded you of your own experiences and you want to share them you can email me at [email protected]

You can also choose to share your stories and join the community on the Para Normal Discord Server where we have different chat rooms for all the different paranormal topics you can think of: https://discord.gg/YWF4BpS4gQ

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Do you want to support the podcast? You can help keep us going by giving us a cup of joe! ko-fi.com/paranormalpodcast 

You can also support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paranormalpodcast We have different tiers for supporters, from the general support to early access, to joining us on the calls way in advance. No pressure, just additional help for us :) 


The Para Normal Podcast. Engineered and Produced by f90 Productions Rate and Review our show on Spotify, Pocket Casts, and Apple Podcasts


Do you want to support the podcast? You can help keep us going by giving us a cup of joe! ko-fi.com/paranormalpodcast 

You can also support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/paranormalpodcast We have different tiers for supporters, from the general support to early access, to joining us on the calls way in advance. No pressure, just additional help for us :) 

The Para Normal Podcast. Engineered and Produced by f90 Productions Rate and Review our show on Spotify, Pocket Casts, and Apple Podcasts
