Paranoia is the fear of a potential or imagined threat. In this episode...

Scientists have discovered a strange heartbeat signal in deep space. Does it come from alien life?

Smart meters are proving useless at helping people save money. Smart meters are justified, at least in part, by the myth that humans cause climate change and that the planet is in danger from greenhouse gas emissions

Patrick Vallance has warned MP's the world is soon to be plunged into even deeper turmoil than the Covid era because of the myth of human caused climate change

And finally, new data may prove masks don't work when the alternative media on the internet have been pointing this out since spring 2020. The new data comes as Singapore and New Zealand cases rise above Australia despite extremely tight restrictions in Australia. Masks are justified by the myth that SARS-Cov-2, which is claimed to cause Covid-19, and other viruses exist which has never been scientifically proven, as I have detailed in this podcast many times before.