Katie Cherry was born in Utah and still resides there, though with a nomadically-inclined husband, that’s likely to change before too long. Wherever they live, he’s happy to stick by her side and even supports her in her writing by deepening worldbuilding, helping Katie chase down any elusive words, checking story continuity, and more.

While fairly new to the career of being an author, having first published in October 2018, Katie has been writing novels since she was thirteen. In the years leading up to her first foray into writing seriously, fantasy books were devoured at a rate nearly alarming to her teachers, librarians, and others. Soon, she found her supply diminishing far too quickly. Now, she creates more fantasy stories that her younger self would have ached to read!

While Katie’s books are family friendly, she doesn’t shy away from having realistic characters with realistic struggles. Themes of depression and anxiety can be found in her main characters, though they certainly don’t let that struggle keep them from accomplishing what they set their minds to! You’ll find a lot of yourself in the characters in Katie’s books, giving you the distinct feeling that YOU are the hero in each adventure.

Click for the Crystal Dragon Saga:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08951C6CK

Find 4theWords here: https://4thewords.com/

And Plottr here: https://plottr.com/