Carolyne Aarsen spends much of her days sitting in front of a computer immersed in other worlds with people so real to she keeps thinking some day they might call and come over for coffee. She grew up in the city but has spent more years in the country and now considers herself a full-fledged 'country girl’ living at the intersection of No and Where, making stuff up, or ‘lying for a living’ as her husband likes to call it.

She’s still searching for the perfect story to write. Hasn’t found it yet but long walks through the meandering trails around their farm and staring into space inspire her to keep trying.

She’s thankful she can do this job from home wearing whatever clothes she grabs in the morning to put on. She hopes to keep writing striving for that perfect story until her fingers give out or her brain does. As far as she knows neither has happened yet so she will keep going.

Learn more at her website: