Kimberly Voorhis had always worked in a traditional office setting, so when she first heard about virtual work she thought it was crazy. But outside of work, Kimberly is also a loving foster mom, and when she and her husband opened their homes and hearts to three children, Kimberly was suddenly struggling to manage the commute and 9 to 5 life she was accustomed to.

That's when she decided to give virtual assistant life a try, and she hasn't looked back since. Being a virtual assistant empowers her to be present in all aspects of her life--work and personal. Kimberly shares more about what keeps her motivated and why she loves having a flexible job that allows her to pursue the life she loves.

Key Takeaways

Find the right virtual assistant for your working style. Do you need someone to be on-call throughout the day, or are you looking for someone to do in-depth research that can happen outside of office hours? No matter what you need, there’s a VA for that!
We’re all human, and we’re all striving toward the same goal: to do fulfilling work that allows us to live a great life. Going into the working relationship with that fundamental understanding and a respect for where others are coming from sets you up for success.
Give your VA the backstory. Providing them with the full context on any task empowers them to do the work efficiently and effectively.

Resources From This Episode

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And learn more about Don't Panic Management's Panic-Proof Blueprint here.