Comic Book Crime Lords: In a pair of interviews recorded at recent comic festivals, Alex Fitch talks to three creators who specialise in crime stories. At the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Alex talks to Scots writers Ian Rankin and John Wagner about their love of comics, including respectively their graphic novels John Constantine: Dark […]

Photo of Wagner, Rankin and Fitch on stage at LICAF / detail from 100 Bullets by Azzarello

Comic Book Crime Lords: In a pair of interviews recorded at recent comic festivals, Alex Fitch talks to three creators who specialise in crime stories. At the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Alex talks to Scots writers Ian Rankin and John Wagner about their love of comics, including respectively their graphic novels John Constantine: Dark Entries and A History of Violence, the latter filmed by David Cronenberg. At the MCM London Comic Con, Brian Azzarello discusses his many projects including 100 Bullets, Before Watchmen: Rorschach, and Moonshine , plus the controversies surrounding Batman: Damned and his animated adaptation of The Killing Joke.

Partially broadcast 5th December 2018, on Resonance 104.4 FM / DAB (London)

For more audio formats to download and stream, please visit

Links: Ian Rankin’s website

Article on John Wagner at Heroes of 2000AD blog

DC Comics’ profile on Brian Azzarello