Sabrina shares how she survived lockdown by getting to better know the squirrels, chipmunks, and birds in her yard.  She went from a life of performing live to marketing her music online.  Her songs are positive and deal with weighty issues.  She discusses how the pandemy impacted her writing and encourages everyone to do what you love and be safe out there. She encourages us all to work to make the world even better than in before times!

Sabrina ONLINE

Sabrina plays Song Title in the Form of a Pandemy Question, inspired by Nardwuar the Human Serviette.

How is the Frontline holding up?

How has the pandemy HURT us and how will we heal?

When the pandemy is over we may only have One Chance to make the world a better place. What should our priority be?

The pandemy has shown us Paradise Comes with a Price. What is that price?

What do we all need to Ask ourselves during this pandemy?

Thanks for joining us as we unite humanity through stories of hope, connection, and community in the face of the global pandemy. We are all in this together, and we’re glad you’re here together with us. Thanks for taking a moment to like and subscribe and follow the Pandemy Show on social media (Twitter, Insta, FB, Reddit, and  TikTok). 

Thanks to Giant Value for letting us know everything is going to be alright, Pieper for the art work, and Becky Nethery for copywriting and website design!