G-day and welcome to the Pandemy Show.  Today's forecast is deep pandemy synth pop forest talk.  Dave transcends time and space to talk with Bernard Frazer, Ottawa Valley,  of  Church of Trees and the Essence of Cool podcast. Bernard and Dave discusses  songs of New Bold Dreams (2020) and Pause (2021). In solidarity with everyone suffering from labour market disruptions due to the pandemy they talk about,  Lost My Job, which draws attention to the economic fracture that has occurred during the pandemy.  Greta and the global youth movement working to protect the trees and Earth are inspiration to the Church of Trees, reflected in the hopeful images and messages in their synth pop rock, can't stop, forest power.

Church of Trees

Thanks for joining us as we unite humanity through stories of hope, connection, and community in the face of the global pandemy. We are all in this together, and we’re glad you’re here together with us. Thanks for taking a moment to like and subscribe and follow the Pandemy Show on social media.  Thanks to Giant Value for letting us know everything is going to be alright and Pieper for the art work.