In this episode of Commitment Matters, Mary speaks with the Co-founders of ShortTrack, Steve Hargraves and Chris Hacker. If you’d like to learn more about the company, check out

During their conversation, Steve, Chris, or Mary mentioned:

ShortTrack offers security and automation for title agencies. The software delivers documents, digital orders, e-signing capabilities from your customers right into your software.

The companies that have been most successful during the pandemic were those that adapted and accelerated their technology. You can modernize your title operations with e-closings, electronic signatures, email and text communication, and more.

Innovation should come from products and opportunities that provide value, efficiencies, and security. Your new products and services should answer your customers’ questions and provide a solution.

Chris uses millennials as an example of innovation for ShortTrack. He says 63% of first-time homebuyers are millennials, so they looked at streamlining communication methods, and upping the digital services they offer to appeal to the demographic.

Middleware provides communication between software platforms, so communication is consistent through your business. With middleware, data and documents can be shared and updated almost instantly.

The more application communication you have, the better security you have. Since middleware is the connectivity between software applications, it’s sure to keep data more secure by eliminating external communications, which is how ransomware attacks and phishing emails get to you.

Steve and Chris say businesses who don’t adapt their technology could get left behind, especially in the case of another pandemic or other world event.

Customer portals provide security, while bridging communication between vendors’ software platforms. Each company can operate on its own system, while still tracking shared customer data.

This year, the National Association of Realtors is no longer providing digital forms to members. They are now being handled at the state/local level. Chris suggests checking with your local real estate association and monitoring your software to see how this would impact your business.

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