In this episode of Commitment Matters, Mary speaks with Attorney David Friend, who has two decades of experience including TILA and RESPA regulation at the CFPB and HUD. You can contact David via email.

During their conversation, David or Mary mentioned:

The CFPB website has links and resources covering the Payday Lending Rule, including FAQs, ruling summaries and other references.Read about the fifth circuit’s decision on finding the CFPB’s funding unconstitutional, as opposed to the second circuit’s decision. David defines this as a circuit split. Here’s a breakdown of Regulation Z and Regulation X as well as TILA (Truth in Lending Act) and RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act), which David is very familiar with in his experience.The Administrative Procedure Act ensures that there’s opportunity for public comment on government processing and rulemaking.The 3/7/3 Rule.The ATR/QM Rule.The Dodd-Frank Act is mentioned multiple times throughout this conversation. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission website hosts many related resources including official rules, frequently-asked questions, guides, forums and much more, all of which are related to the Dodd-Frank Act.

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