Listen to the Sat. Oct. 13, 2018 edition of the Pan-African Journal: Worldwide Radio Broadcast hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire. The program features our regular PANW report with dispatches on the charges of voter suppression in the state of Georgia where an African American woman Stacey Abrahms is running for governor; the government in the Republic of Zimbabwe is taking measures to halt the inflationary trend inside the country; the African Union and the United Nations have reaffirmed their support for the peace process in the Republic of South Sudan; and the AU is looking at a program to guarantee healthcare to people on the continent. In the second and third hours we pay tribute to the legendary Ernesto Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution. We look back at media coverage of the Cuban Revolution during the first five years of the transformational process.