Listen to the Sun. Aug. 5, 2018 special edition of the Pan-African Journal: Worldwide Radio Broadcast hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire. The program features our regular PANW report with dispatches on the post-election situation in the Southern African state of Zimbabwe where incumbent President-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa could be sworn-in as early as next Sunday; Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has escaped an assassination attempt in the capital of Caracus; the Worker's Party of Brazil says they have approved the candidacy of imprisoned former President Lula Da Silva; and the newly-elected Mexican President Andres Manual Lopez Obrador announced that he will review the security arrangement the government has with the United States. In the second hour we will bring you the Aug. 3 press conference convened by President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe  in the aftermath of the harmonized elections. Finally we continue our commemoration of Black August with a further examination of the historical significance of the Haitian Revolution.