Listen to the Tues. Dec. 25, 2018 special edition of the Pan-African Journal: Worldwide Radio Broadcast hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire. The program features our regular PANW report with dispatches on the escalating demonstrations in the Republic of Sudan demanding the resignation of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir; the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has issued a statement calling for transparent and fair elections in Nigeria and Senegal; the elections commission in the Democratic Republic of Congo says it is prepared to conduct polls on Dec. 30; and Madagascar runoff election results have been reported with the losing contestant claiming fraud. In the second hour we rebroadcast a speech delivered by host Abayomi Azikiwe earlier in the year on Mass Incarceration for Profit. In the final segment we look back at the events of the year with addresses delivered at the United Nations General Assembly 73rd Ordinary Session in Sept.