Purpose by Design is excited to welcome Patrick Norris – the creator of RED INK REVIVAL. *Link at bottom. RIR is a platform that helps people understand the WHY to their thought process and actions, by analyzing from a biblical, neurological, and psychological perspective. Patrick teaches why approach and empathy are so important in conversation, and why our nation cannot seem to unify. He delves into the psychology behind addiction, what happens to a person with trauma, personality disorders and the psychology and science of it all. This interview could be considered a class as it is so informative. You will not want to miss it!
“If I am not speaking to the survival or the belonging first (to another person) – I will never get through (to them) whatever the content is.” -Patrick Norris I Red Ink Revival TIMELINE:1:09 – Robert’s Background I Robert Used to Suffer from Severe Panic Attacks10:10 - Getting in the Right Environment I King David was Probably Bipolar13:50 – Having a Pure Heart After God but Constantly Messing Up I God is Not Looking for Perfection17:20 – Why is Our Nation a at a Standstill? I We Have A Culture of Co-dependency23:00 - When A Person Reacts and Does Not Respond I How to Defuse the Situation25:00 – Patrick Got Pulled Over by an Angry Police Officer Who Patrick Calmed Down with a Simple Question31:30 – The Brain in Fight, Flight, or Freeze Mode I Empathy, Compassion, and Gratitude34:00 – Racism: Systematic vs Experienced and How to Handle It39:15 – When We Fail to Show Empathy and Why We Do Not Because of Our Flawed Logic42:00 – Voting for Yourself I We Have to Adopt What God Thinks43:00 – Conclusion
Links:Redinkrevival.comRed Ink Revival I Patrick blogs, interviews people on his podcast, he sends out a newsletter to subscribers, and has an ecosystem of knowledge on his platform. Red Ink Revival has questionnaires to aid people grasp insight into themselves. Check it out!
As always, thank you so much for listening to this week’s podcast. Catch my podcast live on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm EST (6:00 pm CST) on Envision Broadcasting Radio - www.envisionedbroadcasting.com. We would really appreciate it if you would not mind sharing this powerful interview, for others to enjoy and learn from. Blessings to you and yours.
-Purpose by Design