This week on Purpose By Design we welcome Nadine F Thomas from Augusta, Georgia. Nadine is the founder of Exousia Life ( 3:12) - a coaching and leadership development organization. Helping people personally and professionally to become their authentic self. Nadine loves Starbucks White Chocolate Caramel Macchiato - Venti size. When I asked her what her favorite book is right now, she immediately held up (8:40) A Life Of Prayer a collection of writings from great christian authors. By Whitaker House. She said it has changed her life. Nadine is passionate, a strong leader, and so easy to listen to. In this interview Nadine shares her heart surrounding the many challenges she faced growing up as a Black American Female. Her story is gripping and will cause you to rethink Many things. Nadine talks about how she for years lived a life that was not her own. Her story is about self discovery.
( 14:30)Nadine was born in Jamaica and moved to the USA as a young girl. Nadine mentions in her interview that she never knew what racism was until she came to America.
One of my favorite parts of this interview is when Nadine shares how she has stayed positive and centered throughout her life ( 35:40)
Nadine shares from her heart how she stepped outside of living a life that was what others wanted for her and into her own authentic life. (54:54)

Nadine’s story is one that shows the power of Divine Purpose mixed with forgiveness.
Nadine closes out her interview by sharing some gold nuggets on the importance of showing up on purpose. To Listen, Learn and Share in our communities. To help bring healing to our Nation.
You will walk away from this podcast challenged but inspired. Nadine’s story will open will help each of us By Design make a difference in our world from the inside out.

If you would like to connect with Nadine you can contact her at you for joining me today :)