The New Pandemic is Love
We are so excited to introduce Laila Cuoco Miller this week on our podcast here at Purpose by Design. She is a true evangelist in the highest fashion that has such an incredible ‘come-back’ story. Laila grew up in ministry so she knew the Lord early on. As many of us, she had some setbacks and Laila’s faith was tested. This lead her down a worldly path quite different than what she would have thought possible. Though she fell astray, hear this powerful testimony of how Christ’s love reeled Laila back as she could resist no more – only to become an incredibly influential instrument of God’s. You do not want to miss this!
6:40 – The Power of Our Own Words - Are You in the Positive or the Negative?9:05 – Laila’s Story Intro13:25 – Divorce & Anger16:40 - Doing it Laila’s Way18:26 – A Man Came Over with His Guitar - The Lord Told Me I Need to Come Speak To You21:30 – Pauly and Laila Moved Back to MN from NJ. - I met Her Husband Jeff23:50 – God Restored and Multiplied - He is the Above and Beyond Kind of God28:10 – Wisconsin Restaurant Story 32:09 – We Need to Be Open To Hearing God I - Let People See God’s Love35:00 – You Pulled a 18039:15 – "God Has Planted Someone In Your Life to Be a Blessing to You and Love You Back Into the Kingdom of God” I -Laila Cuoco Miller41:50 – The Best is Yet to Come for All of Us . - Heaven Sees the Whole Picture44:09 – Christians Need to Love Others – Not Attack Them48:20 –Give Her Your Sunglasses - Laila Shared God’s Love50:40 – Our Lives Are a Love Story - I The New Pandemic is LOVE54:18 – If You Have Anger Towards Someone - What Should I Do?58:14 – Show them God’s Love - I People are Watching Our Lives59:02 – 21-Year-Old Pregnant Little Girl - God is Not Looking for a Certain Pedigree of a Person1:05:30 – Destiny is Calling You !
Thank you for joining me today :)Love & BLESSINGS 💗💞Pamela