We are so excited to Welcome Cheryll Stewart to The Purpose by Design Broadcast. She comes to us from beautiful Jamaica. "Go out and kill it man", is a Jamaican success statement. Which pretty much sums up how Cheryll has lived her life.
Cheryll is a business analyst with an amazing team. Working with entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Cheryll shares her journey from Employee to Employer. While getting her master’s and being a single parent.She also shares the importance of hard work and paying it forward.
Cheryll calls herself A Helper Person.
Here are some ways she helps ● Cheryll Represents The Global Entrepreneur Network in Jamaica
● Cheryll is involved in the startup of a support tech for schools
● Cheryll even sings !
Life continued to take twists and turns for her but Cheryll followed the example of her parents. "Keep pushing and reinventing yourself then pay it forward"
"Go and Kill it Man!"

As Always – Thank you so much for listening to this week’s podcast. We would love the support by our listeners sharing our page on their social media platforms.Blessings to you and yours!