Purpose by Design welcomes back one of our favorites, Raymell Bentley. He is a Health and Wellness Coach from Los Angeles, California. Raymell’s passion is to see people renewed in spirit, soul and body so they can give birth to who they want to become. As Raymell shares, you will feel like he is right with you on your journey. Raymell expresses the importance of a schedule. Especially when it comes to getting exercise into your routine. He also shares how important awareness of what you are eating really is. Raymell inspires and challenges all of us to have Health/Fitness Goals -both short term and long term.
Raymell makes healthy living easy. Whether you are one of his clients or this is your first time hearing him share. Raymell addresses the notorious COVID Belly with a sense of humor and spot on advice. WARNING…. Raymell does give honest truth about Carbs and Sugar. You will walk away educated with some decisions to make.
Raymell says a serious person ready for a new lifestyle under his guidance, he will help them change their life within just a few months. Raymell is so good at empowering every person that comes across his path.. You will walk away from this podcast Inspired and ready for a new level of health..
Raymell’s story is one of selflessness and servanthood. Challenging each one of us choose the higher road and By Design make a difference in our world one soul at a time. If you would like to connect with Raymell you can contact him at [email protected] , https://www.bentleytransformation.com/
Or hanging out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/raymell.bentley or Instagram Raymellb/fitbybentley
Thank you for joining me today :)