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Opening & ending music: Southern Love by Tencher Music

In this episode, Rebecca and Justin talk about nostalgia in its many forms; individual, collective, simple, complicated, grief bound, and joy filled. We start with our personal media nostalgia from childhood, then move into how most of those medias did not include us as a disabled man and a queer woman. Moving into collective or communal nostalgia, we discuss how the 80s in particular, may be very nostalgic for our generation, but that was also the time of the disability rights movement and during the AIDS epidemic. Many minority groups do not get the luxury of "rose-tinted" nostalgia. They have to grapple with no representation, trauma, oppression, isolation, and violence. You can be nostalgic for the past, but don't erase the reality of it either. 

NPR episode on nostalgia:

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