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Opening & ending music: Southern Love by Tencher Music

In this episode, Justin and Rebecca talk about spoons! (Not the ones for cereal and soups, sadly.) Spoons is a term used in mental health circles to describe how much mental energy a person has to perform certain tasks or take in information. As a man with a disability and an anxious, pansexual woman, we have a variety of things that take up our spoons before we even start our days.  


Justin speaks about voting legislation, complicated Medicaid benefits; Rebecca talks about having to constantly come out, anti-lgbtqia legislation and both bring up having to explain things to others. But being around people who love us as whole beings--like each other--gives us spoons instead of taking them away. We hope you have folks in your lives that give  you spoons, so you can enjoy as many good cereals and soups as you can! 

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