Steve Sosebee is the founder and CEO of PCRF: Palestine Children's Relief Fund, a non-profit focuses on bringing sick and injured children to the US who cannot receive adequate treatment locally. PCRF has expanded to include a children's cancer center in Gaza and a pediatric cardiology center in Ramallah. In our interview Steve tell us about his life's mission. In his own words:

"As human beings, we're all driven by a sense of wanting to have purpose in our lives. You can see that when you see people who have everything; people who have all of the wealth, all of the material comforts of life who are very unhappy because they don't have a purpose. And then you meet people who are schoolteachers, physicians or mothers raising kids and they have a purpose in their life and they're very happy and satisfied. And I think that's the important thing to remember in life; it's not what you have materially, it's what you have that drives you every day. I'm fortunate I've found that in my life."