Joe Catron went to Palestine’s Gaza Strip in March 2011, on the first international solidarity delegation to cross the Rafah border after the fall of Egypt’s Mubarak government, and lived there through October 2014. Over three and a half years in the besieged coastal enclave, he joined popular protests along Israel’s separation barrier, including many to mark Land Day, Nakba Day, and other Palestinian national commemorations, accompanied farmers and fishermen in Israeli-enforced access-restricted areas, supported campaigns in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, and assisted local organizations through editing and training. During Israel’s military offensive in summer 2014, he and other international volunteers established a constant presence in hospitals threatened by Israeli bombardment and accompanied rescue efforts in conflict areas. His writing and photography from Palestine have appeared in +972 Magazine, BBC, Electronic Intifada, Middle East Eye, the New York Times, Newsweek, and various other media. He is in Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen’s new documentary, Killing Gaza, and was profiled by Ramzy Baroud in his latest book, The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story. He lives in New York and is the U.S. coordinator of Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

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