Where to live a good life is important- in fact, it is paramount.  Our ancestors knew this well: they would hunt for a good cave, or place to build their huts, where there was ample game and wild vegetables to gather.  A place where there was cover, and a sheltered area, probably around a clearing, where the tribe could build a fire.  A fire for both keeping away predators, cooking food (meat and veggies- and yes, oh lord- there were probably little tubers and grass seeds sometimes too!!). 


Also, for tribal community; the bonding of the folk of the tribe, from very young to very old, both sexes…  Oh yes, community was incredibly important, both in the sense of interactive human community,  but also in the idea of a community as a place.  A place on this earth where you, a paleo person, along with your tribal compatriots, could not only protect and nurture one another, but also protect yourselves from outsiders- other tribes that may want to do you harm!


For, make no mistake- there has always been tribal conflict- one group of people who determine that it would be a good idea to attack another group, and take what they have, and even kill some and drive the rest off!  This conflict between groups of humans has always been with us- and always will, liberal and hippie hand-holding and banner waving notwithstanding.  In the real world, there is no Give Peace a Chance- only Peace Through Strength- “Walk softly and carry a big stick.” 


And so, to come again to our main point- where to live a good life?  A Paleo, ancestral type of healthy and fulfilling life??


I maintain that a smaller sort of community is ideal.  For one thing, our paleolithic ancestors had very small communities, around 40-50 individuals usually made up a tribe.  An area could not support more, nor could close, equal and caring relationships be maintained in larger numbers…


That would require civilization- which, for all of its strengths, also requires a bureaucracy.  Usually a king, and professional soldiers, and taxation- the list goes on from there.  You know it all as well as I do.


But, if you want to remain free, you need to keep numbers down.  Small cities are the maximum that you should live in, and by that I mean 50,000 or less.  And preferably, outside of that metropolis!  (All the benefits and none of the drawbacks)! 


Think of it, wherever you are, you would have a short, uncrowded drive into a place with all of the “culture” and enrichment you could desire.  Small cities now have all that large ones do, without the incredible crime, taxes, crowding, and cultural rot.  And small towns are even better of

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