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Now I know- all you hear about lately is Keto this and Keto that; not nearly as much paleo as was the case a few years ago!  That’s typical- people are rather faddish, all following the latest trend, and abandoning something else- even if it was working wonderfully for them! 


But, far more commonly, they jump on the next bandwagon, before ever really committing to, and following the last one they were planning to adopt!  But, just to be on the record, for most folks The Paleo Diet, (often with slight adaptations like adding in pastured dairy, some legumes and potatoes) is the way to go.  I believe the ketogenic diet has huge potential for some folks- primarily those who already have autoimmune disease, and/or are otherwise severely damaged, health wise.  For them, keto living can be very therapeutic.  But, for the rest of us, an ongoing commitment to a paleo lifestyle, eschewing bread and grains, severely limiting sugar, and keeping the carbs on the low end overall is the way to go.  It is the way to achieve a great, healthy life!


And that is what I’d like to talk about today- making each and every day in your life a Perfectly Paleo Day!  No day can be absolutely perfect, but if you plan, and have a template that you use regularly to outline your days, well most days turn out pretty darn good!


The first thing to do is to make sure to get to bed early the night before!  It seems too obvious to say, but most folks nowadays do not get to bed early- ever!  It is just too tempting to stay up, watch tv, go on the computer and otherwise have your eyes blasted with blue light, throwing off your circadian rhythms until after awhile, your body doesn’t know day from night, and sleep eludes you!  This is bad, and probably worse than you think: 


Sleep is not only important to your health, it is crucial!  Sleep is also majorly determinant in how you feel.  If you do not get adequate sleep, and by that I mean at LEAST 8 hours per night, each and every night, you are not going to feel good, vibrant and healthy!  And believe me: that is how we are designed to feel.  We are supposed to feel great the vast majority of our lives, and it is tragic that so many almost never do.  So, be sure to take care of the sleep quotient first, in your quest for wonderful, happy daily living.


Make sure you have things that you enjoy doing- hobbies or interests that you find interesting and compelling.  It really doesn’t matter what they are, as long as they are not harmful to you.  Exercise is one, but actually is not a hobby per se- exercise is a necessity, just like sleeping.  Just make sure that it is natural, as outlined in my ebook Perfectly Paleo Exercise, and also on my blog at   It shouldn’t really be a chore- it s