Living a full, healthy, happy, and long life might be simpler than we think. Merely thinking positively and having an upbeat attitude has huge benefits for health and longevity. Many of us tend to jump straight to the next hyped diet though, forgetting the positive consequences simple pillars like mindset, great sleep, regular exercise, and the avoidance of junk food can have on us. In this episode, we get a chance to listen to the brilliant thinking of Brad Kearns, one of the OGs of the Ancestral Health Movement. He has written books such as The Keto Reset Diet and Keto for Life with Mark Sisson which have helped get keto on the world stage and argue for its benefits in the longevity space too. 

This conversation with Brad is wide-ranging, and he tells us about his personal daily routines, the benefits of hormetic stressors like ice plunges, and the work he and Mark have put into their research. Mark also speaks about his podcasting work, and the amazing potential of podcasts for deep sharing, encouraging huge action and learning on the go. We chat about diet quite a bit too, and Mark weighs in on nose-to-tail, vegan, meat only and other fancy hacks, ultimately suggesting that if we get the basics right we are very close to the finish line. In the final pieces of dialogue, we get into some awesome stuff about mindset and age and hear Mark’s views about the magical power of a youthful spirit.


This show was sponsored by Wild Foods who make delicious high-quality and paleo-friendly food and supplement products. You can get 12% off any of these treats if you go to and use the code ‘Paleomag’ so make sure you head over there and also join in on this amazing conversation.


Key Points From This Episode:

How easy it is to slip into self-pity and the value of seeing the glass half full. Pressures in modern life to be online and Brad’s 2020 goal to nurture his highest self. Dangers around early morning smartphone use which deteriorates healthy brain modes. Habits of Brad’s: a first-thing workout and then a six-minute ice bath. Positive repercussions of hormetic stressors such as a general higher resilience to stress. Breath techniques Brad uses to distract him from the cold temperatures of the ice bath. Links between cold stimulants and norepinephrine, the focusing hormone. How getting over yourself can help you do better, and the birth of Brad’s podcast name. Lessons learned from John Gray about relationships, vulnerability, and massive action. The growing popularity of podcasts due to their ability to be listened to while doing activities. Mark and Brad’s keto diet/research and their pride in writing books in an age of sound bites. Respective projects of The Keto Reset Diet and Keto for Life: adopting keto versus using it for longevity. Navigating diet dogmas by simply cutting carbohydrate dependency and junk food. More universal habits for health: good sleep, less stress, and healthy amounts of exercise. Brad’s personal approach to diet which is experimental, changing, and curious. Arguments for the health benefits of organ meat, especially in the context of a meat-only diet. Tips for biohackers: control sleep, stress, and exercise before trying the fancy hacks. Precautions for when to fast and who should, and how beneficial it can be if done correctly. Necessary vs unnecessary struggle, and the value of struggle for progress and growth. The impact psychological age has on chronological and biological age.



“There is no magic bullet for life or for health and wellness.” — @hattiebeckman [0:08:49.2]

“What the omega is doing, is that it is acting as a medium to deliver bacteria further into the body.” — @hattiebeckman [0:31:07.7]

“Whether you buy Nouri or not, I just think that everything should be labeled so that you can at least make the decision for yourself.” — @hattiebeckman [0:35:35.9]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

“One of the flaws of modern life is we’re too comfortable, such that we've atrophied in many ways, both body and mind.” — @bradleykearns [0:17:42.1]

“Breath control overrides the sympathetic nervous system’s response to cold water, cold air, or cold snow.” — @bradleykearns [0:20:38.1]

“Keto for Life is leveraging the metabolic flexibility that you attain from a healthy dietary habit and low-carb ketogenic style eating patterns and then taking it to this wonderful goal of longevity.” — @bradleykearns [0:45:11]

“You're 80% of the way to your potential if you just stay away from 7-Eleven, Ben & Jerry's and Starbucks.” — @bradleykearns [0:47:19.0]

“Fasting trumps any superfood.” — @bradleykearns [0:55:19.1]

“Let's watch those self-limiting beliefs that we utter and challenge those and recalibrate those.” — @bradleykearns [1:11:25]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Brad Kearns —

Primal Blueprint Podcast —

Mark Sisson —

Get Over Yourself Podcast —

Keto for Life —

Wild Foods —

PMR with Colin Stuckert from Wild Foods —

Cal Newport —

Digital Minimalism  —

Wim Hof —

Laird Hamilton —

John Gray —

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus —

Deep Work —

Lance Armstrong —

The Keto Reset Diet —

Elle Russ —

The Paleo Thyroid Solution —

Dom D’Agostino —

Dr. Peter Attia —

Rip Esselstyn —

Shawn Baker —

Dr. Paul Saladino —

Bryan Johnson —

Ancestral Supplements —

Dr. Cate Shanahan —

Deep Nutrition —

Joe Rogan —

Sir Roger Bannister —

Jack LaLanne —

Dr. Deepak Chopra —

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind —

Anthony Mancinelli —

Paleo f(x) —

Keto Con —

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon —

This show was sponsored by Wild Foods who make delicious high-quality and paleo-friendly food and supplement products. You can get 12% off any of these treats if you go to and use the code ‘Paleomag’ so make sure you head over there and also join in on this amazing conversation.


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