Our two special guests in today’s episode are Danny and Maura Vega who run the Fat Fueled Family, which is their personal brand that does coaching work around nutrition, fitness, parenting, education, and mindset. One of the main things that we talk about in the interview is Danny and Maura’s journey with varying diets over the years, and how they have tweaked and personalized different ones to find something that works. Maura started out as a vegetarian and the couple talk about how they progressed through stages of paleo, whole foods, keto, meat-based paleo, and a lower carb whole foods approach too.

Another big topic in this episode and one which is quite unusual for the show is Danny and Maura’s approach to parenting. We talk about how our guests’ fluctuating positions on diets trickled down into those of their kids and about how ultimately the children were given the power to make their own choices about food. The whole philosophy of allowing kids to make their own decisions is a big principle in Danny and Maura’s approach to parenting more broadly in fact. We speak about how conventional schooling and disciplinarian practices don't fly with our guests, and how they are doing things differently to instill a love of learning and a sense of agency in their offspring. Anybody interested in the varying versions of keto and paleo, or about non-conventional parenting practices would love this edition of the show.



Key Points From This Episode:

Weather comparisons between warm Florida, freezing Canada, and other childhood places. The story of how Danny had to do a preparatory year in Jersey before going to Columbia. Five themes FFF covers: nutrition, fitness, education, parenting, and mindset. How Danny went from politics to sales and finally quit his job to pursue nutrition. Going through pregnancy, injury, and medication while switching between diets. Danny’s bad nutrition habits as a powerlifter involving IV fluids and glucose tabs. The idea that a keto diet takes time to adapt to: 30 weeks according to Danny. Issues with the If It Fits My Macros diet regarding how it doesn’t create satiety. Problems our guests had with the initial transition to dirty keto. Danny and Maura’s approach to different kinds of paleo and keto diets with their kids. Unschooling philosophies and the idea that kids learn the things they want to better. A consideration of how unschooling prepares kids to fit into societal structures. Developmental readiness and how school regiments don’t accommodate it. How Danny and Maura handle feelings around togetherness and separation with their kids. Problems with today’s helicopter culture which sees parents policing each other. Understanding what peaceful parenting is: a non-authoritarian form of parenting. How children should have the same set of rules as adults. Why Danny and Maura don’t force their kids to share: to empower them.



“The first rule in communication is that people will only receive the information they ask for.” — @fatfueledfamily [0:21:25.1]

“When he said, ‘Let’s try keto.’ I was like, ‘I’m in.’” — @fatfueledfamily [0:32:25.1]

“Keto brings the carbs down. You can get too carb-ey with paleo.” — @fatfueledfamily [0:14:43.1]

“We think that self-directed learning is the true path to education.” — @fatfueledfamily [0:49:30.1]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The Fat Fueled Family — https://www.fatfueled.family/

The Fat Fueled Family on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ydh36IFXuAtZUPyBjcTLg

Maura Vega on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/fatfueledmom/

Danny Vega on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/dannyvega.ms/

Ron Paul Institute — http://ronpaulinstitute.org/

Hillary Boynton on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/liveyumyum/

Ali Miller — https://www.alimillerrd.com/

Lenore Skenazy on Twitter — https://twitter.com/FreeRangeKids

Free Range Kids on Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/Free-Range-Raise-Self-Reliant-Children-Without/dp/0470574755

Kate Jackson — https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000462/


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