Feeling a bit blue this winter? You’re not alone! Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD affects far more people than you might realize. And while it’s easy to get down on yourself for feeling this way during the most wonderful time of the year, the reality is that there are a host of physiological explanations for why you may be suffering from SAD. Today, Ashleigh reads Chris Kresser’s latest article from Paleo Magazine, titled How to Combat Seasonal Depression.

The article discusses a variety of SAD related topics, such as the causes and symptoms, the most well-studied ways to combat it and just generally how to enjoy a happier, healthier winter wherever you may be! Today’s episode is kindly brought you by the Metabolic Health Summit, a four-day immersive experience in LA next year, featuring leading experts in the field of keto, ranging from doctors to thought-leaders to scientists.


If you’d like the inside scoop on some of the latest developments in the world of keto, go to metabolichealthsummit.com and use the code PaleoMagMHS for 20% off your ticket!


Key Points From This Episode:

Some of the most common symptoms of SAD and how it is linked to geography. Learn how less sunlight is one of the major contributors to SAD. Tips for kicking SAD: BLT, dawn simulators, ion simulators, gut therapy, CBT, and getting out. How adding more carbs could be another way to combat SAD this season. Some supplements to potentially combat SAD, taken in conjunction with medical advice SAD is four times more common in women than it is in men.


“Disrupting natural light exposure patterns messes with our circadian rhythms, increasing sleepiness and depression.” — Ashleigh Vanhouten [0:06:11.1]

“Choose to embrace the beauty of winter.” — Ashleigh Vanhouten [0:11:05.1]

“Seasonal Affective Disorder affects two to 10% of US adults and up to 15% of others experience milder winter blues.” — Ashleigh Vanhouten [0:13:04.1]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Chris Kresser — https://chriskresser.com/

Chris Kresser on Twitter — https://twitter.com/chriskresser

Unconventional Medicine and The Paleo Cure — https://www.amazon.com/Unconventional-Medicine-Revolution-Reinvent-Healthcare/dp/1619617471

Metabolic Health Summit — https://metabolichealthsummit.com/

JP Sears — https://awakenwithjp.com/

Dom D'Agostino https://www.ketonutrition.org/

Rob Wolf https://robbwolf.com/

Ryan Lowry http://www.ryanlowry.org/

Ashleigh Vanhouten — www.ashleighvanhouten.com

Ashleigh Vanhouten on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/themusclemaven/

If you’d like the inside scoop on some of the latest developments in the world of keto, go to metabolichealthsummit.com and use the code PaleoMagMHS for 20% off your ticket!


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