On today’s show we welcome chef Marco Canora. Marco is the owner of both Hearth restaurant in New York and Brodo, a bone broth company that started out as a little window outside the restaurant. Only a few years ago, it was unheard of to be able to buy organic, grass-fed bone broth at a grocery store. Now, you can find it just about anywhere. In this conversation, we discuss Marco’s chain of successful restaurants, his passion for cooking, the benefits of bone broth, and why you should put that coffee cup down and swap it for bone broth instead.


Key Points From This Episode:

The one-meal-a-day thing and Marco’s opinions about it.   How Marco’s manages his 16-hour fast everyday. At what point Marco became more aware of his health. A few things that are inarguable in terms of diet, health, and nutrition. Marco’s method for managing stress and sleep distress as a chef. Turning any process into a meditative exercise. Marco’s connection to Tim Ferriss and The 4-Hour Chef. Marco's thoughts on being more health forward in his restaurants and how it’s changed his demographic. The two arms to the broth conversation. Why broth is so essential for culinary and health reasons. The different types of broth available. Opening Brodo and introducing New York to bone broth. Marco’s future plans for Brodo. And so much more!


“It’s a constantly moving target and you really need to just exercise the awareness of your brain and being in touch with your body.” — @marcocanora [0:13:50.1]

“Broth is an essential staple of cooking well, the way salt and pepper and milk and eggs and butter are.” — @marcocanora [0:34:50.1]

“There’s no magic pill. It’s like a bunch of little things and I’d like to think a cup of broth a day is a fantastic little thing that’s very easy to adhere to.” — @marcocanora [0:48:38.1]

“I think there is a real future in widening our product line and becoming the plant based broth place and the bone based broth place..” — @marcocanora [0:53:52.1]

Links Mentioned in This Episode: 

Marco on Twitter — https://twitter.com/marcocanora

Marco on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/marco-canora-33229399

Marco on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/marcocanora/

Brodo: A bone Broth Cookbook — https://www.amazon.com/Brodo-Broth-Cookbook-Marco-Canora/dp/0553459503

A Good Food Day — http://agoodfoodday.com/

Restaurant Hearth — https://www.restauranthearth.com/

Brodo — https://www.brodo.com/

Ayoba-Yo — https://www.ayoba-yo.com/

Peter Attia — https://peterattiamd.com/

Chris Kresser — https://chriskresser.com/

Sam Harris waking up app — https://wakingup.com/

The 4-hour Chef — https://fourhourchef.com/

Tim Ferriss — https://fourhourworkweek.com/

Hu Kitchens — https://hukitchen.com/

CAVA — https://cava.com/

Dig Inn — https://www.diginn.com/

Springbone — https://springbone.com/

Dan Barber — https://www.thethirdplate.com/

Whole Foods — https://eu.wholefoodsmarket.com/?destination=www.wholefoodsmarket.com%2F

Fresh Direct — https://www.freshdirect.com/


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