Have you ever eaten insects? Would you ever eat insects? Are you immediately grossed out by the idea? Or are you kind of interested? Like it or not, a massive portion of the world already eats insects, and some insects are pound for pound a cleaner, more sustainable, and overall more economical source of protein than any other animal protein you’re currently consuming. At the end of the day, it all comes down to perspective, and Robyn Shapiro, founder of Seek Food, is here to share hers. In this episode, we discuss the benefits of cricket protein and how Seek Food is working to create the most delightful insect-eating experience with award-winning chefs. Cricket protein could be the western world’s protein of the future, but the truth is that humans have been eating crickets for centuries. Whether you want to take your Paleo protein and overall health to the next level or just lessen your environmental impact, Robyn shows us how to do it in the most delicious, uncreepy, hassle-free way.

CLICK HERE for the full transcript.

Key Points From This Episode:

The nutritional and sustainability benefits of insect protein. Discover why insect protein is a complete protein. Why crickets are much more sustainable than traditional proteins. The ancient history of crickets as one of the first foods. Why our bodies were biologically engineered to eat insects. How to (unobnoxiously) introduce the idea of insect eating to others. How working with chefs has been an evolution for Seek Food. Removing the “fear factor” and weirdness from insect eating. Find out more about Seek’s new cookbook Kickstarter campaign. The four different insect protein flours that Seek has created. Learn more about Seek’s pure cricket powder. Can vegetarians and vegans eat crickets or insect protein? How eating insects supports the vegan and vegetarian movement. Would you eat crickets and insects if you had access to them? How Seek is making cricket-eating a delightful experience. Discover where Seek’s crickets are sourced from. Energy balls and granola bites: Discover Seek’s cricket snacks. And much more!


“Crickets and other insects are about 70 percent protein . . . they’re also high in iron, calcium, omega
three’s, and B12.” — Robyn @SeekFood [0:06:43.1]

“Crickets are using 14 times less land than beef, 12 times less food than beef and 15 percent less
water.” — Robyn @SeekFood [0:07:38.1]

“Eighty percent of the world’s nations are eating insects as some form of their diet.” — Robyn
@SeekFood [0:10:48.1]

“When it comes to crickets, our bodies were biologically engineered to be eating this.” — Robyn
@SeekFood [0:12:27.1]

“We’re about real food, not about fear food.” — Robyn @SeekFood [0:16:10.1]

Links Mentioned in This Episode: 

The Black Ant – https://www.theblackantnyc.com/
Robyn Shapiro – https://www.linkedin.com/in/robyn-shapiro-ba68301/
Seek Food – https://seek-food.com/
Seek Food Kickstarter – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1171013693/taste-the-future- cricket-baking-flours-and-top-che?utm_source=Email+Import&utm_campaign=83e2194b29- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018
Seek Food Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/seekfood/
Seek Food Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/seekfood/
Seek Food Twitter – https://twitter.com/SeekFood
Laura Lee Goldberg – https://www.instagram.com/lauraleabalanced/
Laura Lee Balanced – http://llbalanced.com/
Chef Mario Hernandez – http://mariohernandezchef.com/
Adriana Urbina – https://www.adrianaurbina.com/
Spring Bone New York – http://springbone.com/
We Edit Podcasts – https://www.weeditpodcasts.com/
The Muscle Maven – https://www.instagram.com/themusclemaven/
Paleo Magazine – https://paleomagonline.com/




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